This list only includes grids that have published usage data this month. Some grids may have been down for maintenance, relocation, or were shut down since our survey last month. OpenLifeGrid does not consider themselves an OpenSim grid and does not publish usage data. SpotOn3D did not respond to our requests for data.

“Regions change,” “Users change” and “Actives change” refers to how many more regions, registered users, and active users the grid reported compared to the previous month.

Grid Regions Regions Change Total Users Users Change Active within past month Actives Change
3rd Rock Grid 187 7 4715 193 435 -71
AlphaTowne 344 0 1519 44 1113 44
Annuna Grid 41 -16 66 0 0
AnSky 3 -3 1 -123 1 -11
Architecture Islands 5 0 0 5 0
AstraGrid 25 0 82 0 0 0
AstralGrid 7 0 0 0
AtMeeting Grid 5 0 0 0
Aurora Sim 3 0 0 0
Austria Grid
Avatar Hangout 51 -2 8889 239 16 -27
Avieku 5 0 0 0
Avination 1008 -106 32117 3595 7355 -711
AVWorlds 5 -5 31 -75 26 26
City Grid 5 0 15 0 1 0
CityPlanet 4 0 9 0 0 0
Craft World 169 4 1107 165 274 -8
Curiosity Grid 16 92 78 48
DigiGrids 9 0 -29 0
Diva’s Office 4 0 6 0 5 0
Dorena’s World 47 1 128 17 30 14
eceCloud 2 0 582 0 0
Enclave Harbour 16 0 6 -42 3 -43
Flatlandia 33 0 185 0 15 0
FleepGrid 7 0 0 0
FrancoGrid 298 -17 3388 82 156 12
Gay San Francisco 125 0 211 40 75 6
GerGrid 50 11 143 18 37 9
German Grid 82 -3 2554 100 392 48
GovGrid 4 0 22 0 4 -2
GridNirvana 203 125 37
Grid World 31 -62 48 17 19 12
Haven 18 4 13 2 8 1
InWorldz 887 10 38609 1647 157 157
Island Oasis 19 -3 557 102 0
Iti Motu Resort 6 7 16
Jamland 12 0 48 0 2 0
JokaydiaGrid 94 4 1474 79 193 -90
Kitely 778 105 932 125 137 -46
Logicamp 96 5 140 11 51 14
Metropolis 322 30 1542 39 245 1
Mino’s Home 7 0 0 0
My First Life 9 1 0 -3
My3dWorld 16 0 135 1 2 2
MyOpenGrid 198 12 0 0
New World Grid 689 30 11471 288 413 -120
New Zealand Virtual World Grid
NexXtLife 250 0 4005 161 -166
NorthGrid 34 4 47 3 0
Nova Grid 54 20 410 61 103 38
NSL Test Grid 30 0 67 0
Oasis World
Oneworld Grid 8 3 19 14 24 19
Open Neuland 72 3 560 6 32 -2 58
OpenVUE – Virtual Univ. of Edinburgh 9 0 0 0
OSGrid 6049 -1534 62231 1332 3425 -73
OSVR 6 0 57 0 0 0
Phoenix Grid 60 1364 62
PMGrid 56 16 101 3 0
Pseudospace 53 0 288 1 11 -8
ReactionGrid 117 -11 8773 234 427 -86
Role Play Worlds 42 -15 0 187 -25
Savage Grid 67 0 3 0 2 1
School Grid 1 0 18 0 5 0
ScienceSim 1139 801 1729 404 0
SecondLearning 6 2 0 47 46
SIM World 89 -10 1236 242 353 -60
Slackdog Grid 77 3 31 0 5 -13
Sofitek 3 10 2
Tertiary Grid 29 2 113 4 14 9
Tescos 23 2 80 42
Tlön 10 0 56 9 4 2
TUIS Open Grid 48 182 52
Twisted Sky 69 0 451 7 24 -14
UFS Grid 29 1 601 15 25 4
Unica Universe 17 0 372 7 0 0
Viradu 12 0 0 0
Virtual France 15 1 186 2 10 -8
Virtual Games 3D 144
Virtual Gaming World 6 0 58 1 0 0
Virtual RP 22 -5 669 10 37 -40
Virtual Worlds Consortium
Virtual Worlds Grid 871 -19 450 19 16 -8
VirtualLife 144 2 1628 80 76 -19
Virtyou 123 1 1827 49 66 6
VWER Grid 5 0 103 0 15 -2
Wilder Westen 31 3 1131 10 14 0
World Galileo 3 0 220 0 0 0
World of Eternity (formerly KS Grid)
Your Alternative Life 20 20 2916 87 2052 130
YourSimSpot 39 4 193 22 18 6

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